Page name: Bloody Beautiful. [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-01-27 00:12:26
Last author: Cloud Natiion
Owner: Cloud Natiion
# of watchers: 94
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Welcome to bloody beautiful..
The place for the most elegant, sophisticated, cultured and damned right beautiful, of the human race.
Think you have what it takes to be a member? Are you beautiful inside and out?
Contact either [Cloud Natiion] or [Zombiie Natiion],
and if we think you would be an asset for our ever growing clan of beauts,
we might just let you in ;D.


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bloody beautiful. is for sophisticated members of EP, and
stupid, reckless, hateful, meaningless, dull, degrading comments will not be tolerated,
and leaving such in our forum will result in immediate expulsion from the wiki, and we
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2009-06-30 [fu**(fuse)]: ^^ Lols Well now you know..

2009-06-30 [WonderTweek]: *nods*

2009-07-01 [perfectday]: sooyeah.. i would appreciate it if i could be put up for the judging get in BB..p&t ((please and thank you))

2009-07-01 [fu**(fuse)]: Sure, let me ask the others. <3

2009-07-01 [perfectday]: again....p&t

2009-07-01 [fu**(fuse)]: your welcome

2009-07-02 [your_bunnii 13]: Clouds getting married?

2009-07-02 [WonderTweek]: *nods* She is indeed!

2009-07-02 [your_bunnii 13]: awwe ill have to congradulate her =P

2009-07-02 [WonderTweek]: Mhm!
I'm so happy for her :D

2009-07-02 [your_bunnii 13]: me to

2009-07-02 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion's Biitch]: Heeyy guys! :D

2009-07-02 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: evening peeps how is everything swinigng in your lives

2009-07-02 [WonderTweek]: Okies..

2009-07-02 [Cloud Natiion]: Lmao we're goood thankss, you?

2009-07-02 [KillChasityDead]: D: is it possible at all to be able to become a member of this wiki again?

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: Who is "Iinspiiratiion Natiion?" And why does he/she have a biitch?

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: I was wondering the same thing.

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: Um yes chasity, i think you can become a member again, i'll just have to ask the other natiions, the actual natiions? unless he is one of us now O.o?

2009-07-03 [KillChasityDead]: =]
just tell one of them to send me a message saying if i can or not.

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: Will do xD

2009-07-03 [KillChasityDead]: thank you.

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: No problems x)

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: O_o So wait is he a Natiion or..

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: Yeah apperentlys.. =P I'm confuseled too...

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: evening madames and monsuiers how are people

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: ^^ Good. People of BB, I [fu**(fuse)] would like to congradulate [Iinspiiratiion Natiion] in joining the Natiions! *cheers*

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: aww thank you mon cherie how s your day been

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: Well ^^ And yours? you know French? 0.o

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: haha my french is bad and a stresful day i m still trying to figure out hald the stuff on this website but i m getting there ^^

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: O_o

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: lol ^^ Oh, so you're a 'freshman' on Elfpack hm? ^^

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i am indeed and eager to learn *gasp* if only men were as eager on me as i am to learn

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: xDDDDD Wow..

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: o.o have you met [•Fluorescent•] ?????? ^^ He's mi best friend!

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i have not i shall talk to him now though hehe

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: ^^ Good

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: so who else is on this evening would love to start talking to everyone so i can get a general understanding of most of you ^^

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: o.o do you have a 'genteral understanding' of me?

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: I..
Like tacos.

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: everyone likes tacos they are the holy wheat

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: I've met someone who didn't.
It was...sad

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: they need converting to the holy taco i suggest making them watch pictures of tacos flash in front of they re eyes

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: AIDAN!! 8D *pounces* Hello! ^^

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: congratulations [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]! Now i have someone else to hate.
just kidding!!!
and congratulations Cloud! I'm happy for you!!!

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: xD Very Nice Kurtis.

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: e_o
And Yeah, it was shocking if you ask me.

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: haha thank you ^^ how are you this evening or morning

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i was just kidding, and you know that i was.
i like to kid around.

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: evening, and i'm doing fine.

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: What was shocking??

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: People should never hate tacos..

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: *nod* I agree..

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: haha them tacos they re like a hores draws up and down in peoples minds

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: ..... o.o ... Yeah, xDDD We're all from America, we dont really know what that means?

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: try up and down like a sluts underwear

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: ????? *giggles* OOkay? Wow. Hmm.. anyway.. *dances*

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: haha i m a murderer i ve killed this conversation

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: xD

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: *keeps dancing* naww. zzyzx might just be in hiding xD

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i need to sleep so badly but i need to sort so much stuff out can someone like make me untired

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: Found HIm! 8D

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: Aidan! Make him untired!! ^^ OH! Drink coffie ^^ yumm..

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: I'm in hiding?

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: cofffee ewww no i m busting out the tea

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: Coffee is good!

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: noo i m sipping a gin and orange at the moment that ll keep me awake

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: coffee can be better than tea, but not iced tea.
i hate hot tea, it makes me sleepy.

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: Oh okay.

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i might move on to martinis i m in the mood for one i might go out for a fag as well hmm decisions decisions

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: You people and your cancer sticks.

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: sounds fun.
but please tell me you're talking about a cigarette.
because that would be kinda awkward going out for a gay guy.

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: yeah i do mean a ciggarette i m not that bad and i know it s a terrible habit but to be honest i couldnt give a fuck with smoking it s my achiles heel

2009-07-03 [Zombiie Natiion]: :( i want a fag!! Iinspiiratiion, give ME a fag im dieing for one

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i only have one left i ll two s you

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: xDD lmao!

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: Wow. I love british slang ^^

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i take it none of you know what im on about again lol

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: mr Natiion, i have a hard time understanding you because you put spaces where you should put an apostrophe.
it really confuses me.
and i smoke too, so there's no big thing there.

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: No, im guessing a 'fag' is a cigg. ^^ I'm not that dumb :P

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: ={ Well i feel left out.. i dont smoke..

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: well i knew it could be one of two things.
a) a cigarette
b) a derogatory term for a gay person.

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i'm sorry my dyspraxia coming into play. twos is half a ciggareate. (pardon my dyslexia as well i really have nothing going for me)

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: that's nothing to be ashamed of Miss Fuse.
i wish i had never started. it's a very bad habit, and i don't condone it for other people.

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: it's no problem, just kinda bugs me. i'll live with it though.

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: Well hoorah to you Mr. Kurtis ^^ At least you dont spread the need for ciggs. ^^ YAY!

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: it is a disgusting habit i completly agree but i always look at it in the light it could be worse

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: true true.
well when you've been chain smoking since you were 6, i think it couldn't get worse.
and, no. i quit for a while in there, i just started smoking again when i was 13 and i'm 18 now so...

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: fair enough i started when i was fourteen but only over the recent year i ve been smoking permanantly it s my way of coping with stress in awquard social situations

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: yeppers.

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: =( This is a depressing topic...

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: tis tis i would usually come out with a really bad joke right now but i m emptier then 80 year olds ball sacks so ...

2009-07-03 [kurtis purgatory;;]: how so? *comment to Miss Fuse*

2009-07-03 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: right i m off now i need to sleep thank you so much all it was a privalage to talk to you all zombiie i shall see you tomorrow at good old pride XD

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: I'm glad I don't smoke. *nods*

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: I dont really know.. ^^ You two are just talking about how much you two hate smoking and yet you do it anyway.. its sad. But okay ^^ Y'know?

2009-07-03 [fu**(fuse)]: Oh, Bye Iinspiiratiion!! ^^

2009-07-03 [WonderTweek]: ♫ Doom doomy doom ♪

2009-07-04 [Zombiie Natiion]: :D ima sing the doom song now!!

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: xD <3 Gir xD
Elfpack totally died on me for a sec.

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Gir! <3 Elfpack did on all of us ={

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: Lamesauce.

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Hey guyeses Im just gonna hang in elftown for now! ttyl! <3

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: You have an Elftown?

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Yes! yes i do ^^ (actually i had a elftown before i had a elfpack)

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: Lol I think most people on Elfpack did.
I has an Elftown too, but I'm not on it much anymore D:

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Me eitehrs ^^ But i found an awesome rp on there ^^

2009-07-04 [KillChasityDead]: I have an elftown too. XD

i had that WAAAAAAAAAAY before i had this thing.


2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: :]

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Yeps ^^

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: hey zombiie, are you working on our new Natiion's picture?

2009-07-04 [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠]: Thank you all for adding me! :)

2009-07-04 [Zombiie Natiion]: no problem [ℭℎℯℓℓℯ ☠] :) and what new Natiion picture Fuse?

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: O_o

2009-07-04 [.:Cobra Carousel:.]: How's everyone lately?

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: I'm fine, how about yourself?

2009-07-04 [Cloud Natiion]: Im good, feeling rather ill and tired though.
You guys?

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: Why ill??

2009-07-04 [Cloud Natiion]: Ah only because I had a bit too much to drink when I went out last night, nothing serious

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: Ohh

2009-07-04 [Cloud Natiion]: Yeess, very very silly Cloud

2009-07-04 [kurtis purgatory;;]: lol!
congratulations Miss Cloud!
I'm very happy for you! ^.^

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: XP

2009-07-04 [Cloud Natiion]: Awww thankyoou!! ^__^ Hehe

2009-07-04 [kurtis purgatory;;]: no thanks necessary.
I'm about to be offline for the majority of the night.
i'll talk to you guys later.
happy 4th to you americans out there!

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: *shrugs* I don't like the 4th

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: But thank you

2009-07-04 [Cloud Natiion]: Haha I don't celebrate it but you guysss have fun ^_^ xx

2009-07-04 [kurtis purgatory;;]: it's very fun when you get to blow things up.

2009-07-04 [Cloud Natiion]: Haha blowing things up is the best :D

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: That's the only good thing about this day xD is you can blow things up.

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Hello gorgeous people of BB! ^^

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: Hello Fuse!!

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Hello Aidan ^^

2009-07-04 [Cloud Natiion]: Fuuusee!! *glomps*

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: So whatcha peeps talkin' about?

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: *glomps the glomp pile*

2009-07-04 [Manda Ann Perfection]: 0__0 there's a new nation? That just rocked my world.

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: 0___0 *ish been double glomped*

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: Join the glomp pile!!

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: WHo are you talkin' to?

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: oh, Manda ANN! HIII!!

2009-07-04 [Cloud Natiion]: Haha xD im confused!

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: It's okay! *moves the glomp pile to Manda* WHEEEE!!!!

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: o.o How did you do that?!!?!

2009-07-04 [Manda Ann Perfection]: hahahaha
awesome I feel loved ^__^

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: I am magical!!!

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: You is loved! x3

OOOhh!! Do another magical trick Aidan!

2009-07-04 [Manda Ann Perfection]: haha ooohhh new photo I just got done dying my hair

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: OOH! *goes and looks*

2009-07-04 [Manda Ann Perfection]: I <3 it. I'm pale and its like SHA BAMMMMMMM

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: ShaBAm! Indeed! Its so ..dark 8D Pretteh!

2009-07-04 [Manda Ann Perfection]: haha yeah its very dark but my eyes stand out take a better photo but im having allergy eyes today *pouts*

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: You look very nice :D
And and and uhmm *pulls coffee out of my ear* Well I wasn't expecting that...

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: awh ={

2009-07-04 [Manda Ann Perfection]: hahahah zomg that's awesome wish I could do that

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: 0.0 .....AMAZING!! TRUELY!! *applaudes*

2009-07-04 [Manda Ann Perfection]: blah. So I have to go to work in a bit loves. I'ma take off to get ready. muahs.

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: Haha xD *drinks it*
Think that was safe...? *contemplates*

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: ..No.. I dont think so..

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: Well then..

2009-07-04 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: evening people me and zombie back from pride wooo ^^

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Woo!! ^^ How was it?

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: :] Pride as in like pridefest?

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Yeah thats what they mean..

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: :] I went to pridefest this year.
It was so fun!

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: -.-; i know..

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: Oh..
Sorry if me talking about it bothers you.

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Naw ^^ I just wish we'd have one here in NC, (unlikly.. we're homophobes here ={ )

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: You don't have one there? D: Aww that's lame.
Next year you'll totally have to come to Co and go to it, it's fun :]

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: JA!

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: ^_^

2009-07-04 [fu**(fuse)]: x3

2009-07-04 [Cloud Natiion]: MY FOOT ITCHES

2009-07-04 [WonderTweek]: O_O
OH NOES!! *throws a cat at your foot*

2009-07-05 [perfectday]: not to be rude..buuut how do i no if im still in consideration for acceptance to bb?

2009-07-05 [kurtis purgatory;;]: uhm.
Zombiie or whoever posted about the congratulations, you forgot to change it to congratulate him not her. just thought you should know.

2009-07-05 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: i think she caled me her on puprpose ^^

2009-07-05 [Cloud Natiion]: Yeah Kurtis, it's an inside thing ;D Sam is a girl :P Or a wannabe girl. It wasnt a forgot to change thing

2009-07-05 [kurtis purgatory;;]: oh.
i think that makes sense, my mom calls me her little girl because i'm so feminine about my hair.

2009-07-05 [Cloud Natiion]: Hehe exactly ^__^

2009-07-05 [WonderTweek]: Lmao xD

2009-07-05 [kurtis purgatory;;]: lol!

2009-07-05 [Manda Ann Perfection]: 0___0 just because your fem bout you hair? I call my bf my gf because well he's more of a girl than me...... but this conversation has me confused about myself now..damnit >__<

2009-07-05 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: voulez vous aha take it now or leave it now it s all we get dah dah dah dah dah dah dah

2009-07-05 [WonderTweek]: My hair is like.. past my shoulders xD
And my boyfriends is like to his shoulderblades xD

2009-07-06 [fu**(fuse)]: o.o Maybe it IS time for haircuts xDD

2009-07-06 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i've needed to get a haircut since april.

2009-07-06 [KillChasityDead]: D:
i wish my hair would hurry up and grow back out.
i miss it.

2009-07-06 [WonderTweek]: Yeah mine is... long xD
At least long for me.

2009-07-06 [Zombiie Natiion]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/25007/1246865703.jpg> :D me and [Iinspiiratiion Natiion] with two very very sexy gay men XD

2009-07-06 [Zombiie Natiion]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/25007/1246867547.jpg><img500*0:stuff/aj/25007/1246867547.jpg><img500*0:stuff/aj/25007/1246867547.jpg>

2009-07-06 [WonderTweek]: xD
I hope you guys have fun in Florida!

2009-07-06 [Zombiie Natiion]: thanks! :D

2009-07-06 [WonderTweek]: Welcome!

2009-07-06 ['Hana.]: ohoh ^_^ can i join?

2009-07-06 [WonderTweek]: You'll have to talk to the Natiions :]

2009-07-06 ['Hana.]: i talk to one of them... i'll go ask her ^_^

2009-07-06 [fu**(fuse)]: ah ^^ xD I bet [Iinspiiratiion Natiion] had fun that day (refers to the pict) x3 

2009-07-06 [Iinspiiratiion Natiion]: haha shh my boyfriend was cooler then them

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